Argospaw / SERVICES
The ARGOSPAW Tomasz Kaczor company started its activity in 1998. We deal with assembly of technological lines made of stainless steel as well as preparation of its elements in our production plant.

The ARGOSPAW Company provides its services in the field of complete investment implementation, as well as subcontracting in cooperation with leading domestic and foreign companies. They put great trust in us, which we have earned with the quality of our services and timeliness of projects. While our many years of experience and the satisfaction of our customers show that we are a business partner of the highest standard.
General contracting
The experience we have gained over the years allows us to carry out complex projects and meet the expectations of our clients, and thanks to a wide range of specialist equipment and the necessary technical knowledge, we are able to carry out their most difficult tasks. Our individual and systematic approach to projects allows us to adjust the optimal and ergonomic use of resources.
Technological installations
Argospaw provides assistance with welding and assembly services during industrial projects. Our work in this area does not require constant supervision by the investor, we undertake works both on the basis of entrusted technical documentation and arrangements made with the client and the client’s guidelines.
Disassembly and moving locations
On the basis of our many years of experience, we also meet the challenges posed by the dismantling of equipment and production lines. Our tasks in this area are carried out with due care and diligence, and our attention to detail allows us to relocate large objects in a way that is safe and allows them to be put back into operation at their final destination.
Repair services
At the request of our clients, we also carry out refurbishments of existing facilities, both those that are already closed and those that are still in operation. Our tasks in this area include the replacement of individual nodes as well as the adaptation of production lines to new customer expectations.
Special requests
  • Food service industry fittings
  • Balustrades, fences, railings
  • Apparatus for spirit making
To meet the expectations of customers in the sector and beyond, we undertake various unconventional projects based on acid-proof steel.
Welding is the basis and the first step in the creation of all equipment and structures – joining of metals has become an important element in the development of the economy. Over the years we have considerably expanded our range of services, but it is thanks to many years of operation on the market that we have become specialists in our field.
Sheet rolling
One of the most common methods used in the industrial sector involves sheet metal forming, or rolling. By applying high precision, we will adapt the parameters of the forming process to the material to be processed and the functions to be performed.
Sheet bending
We take the individual needs of the customer into account during the sheet bending process. Many years of providing services have resulted in gaining vast experience while maintaining attention to the smallest details when carrying out works.
Metal cutting with the use of appropriate tools is one of the most popular methods of manufacturing metal parts. Machining is no problem for us. Modern machinery enables us to carry out the most demanding projects.
Laser cutting of metal sheets
We have introduced laser cutting to our offer, even when it comes to the most complicated shapes, while maintaining the highest quality. The use of innovative technologies is a guarantee of extraordinary precision in metal cutting.
Laser cutting of sections
Our specialised staff, thanks to the use of modern equipment, ensure maximum precision when cutting out elements. This is also a guarantee of maintaining smooth surfaces and the highest quality of service.
Are you interested in cooperation?

Numer projektu: RPLU.03.07.00-06-0047/20

Tytuł projektu: „Wzrost konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstwa ARGOSPAW Tomasz Kaczor”

Projekt polega na zakupie innowacyjnego sprzętu do świadczenia usług Stainless Emergency (szybka produkcja maszyn do przemysłu spożywczego).
Cele realizowanego projektu są następujące: 1. Wzrost/poprawa konkurencyjności na rynku regionalnym 2. Wprowadzenie nowych usług na rynek 3. Wdrożenie innowacji 4. Wzrost zatrudnienia 5. Poprawa środowiska, poprzez wprowadzenie ekoinnowacji.
Efekt działań - świadczenie usługi Stainless Emergency. Usługa polega na dostarczaniu rynkowi nowych maszyn/linii technologicznych do przemysłu spożywczego w jak najkrótszym czasie i w jak najwyższej jakości wykonania.

Planowana wartość projektu: 3 100 628,13 PLN.
Wkład Funduszy Europejskich: 1 737 248,45 PLN.